Jill Bracy
Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Supply Chain & Analytics at the University of Missouri–St. Louis and Acting Director of the Supply Chain Risk & Resilience Research Institute
Dr. Jill Bracy educates undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Missouri – St. Louis on supply chain strategy and quantitative methods, often linking course material to current events and industry applications. She emphasizes the importance of building connections between academia, industry and the broader community, and personally serves in leadership roles for the Missouri Center for Transportation Innovation, the Council of Supply Chain Professionals – St. Louis Roundtable, and the Transportation Research Forum. Her research centers on applied data analytics, focusing on analyzing the impact of various factors on crash severity outcomes to inform highway safety policies. She also uses data analytics to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and policies in higher education, particularly their influence on student performance and success. Dr. Bracy holds a Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, an MBA, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing